Tuesday, July 12, 2005

daily reckoning the twenty-fourth

actually doing one of these on the right day for once...

food log:
  • breakfast: a cinnamon scone from wellspring whole foods and the standard hot tea (breafast with tom!!!)
  • lunch: went to ted's montana grill and ordered the bison meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes and squash casserole. all in all, none of it was particularly satisfying--the meatloaf was way too sweet for me, and the mashed potatoes were kind of bland. i ate about half of both and most of the squash casserole. stole a few fries from the hipppie.
  • dinner: sushi with tom and jenn and harry and gabriella and the hippie--whoo hoo! although to be honest, it's not settling all that well with me.
  • snacks/other: no snacks, although i seriously wanted some this afternoon--i resisted the caramel pecan popcorn offered by harry. go me.
  • desserts/sweets: 1 hershey's dark chocolate nugget with almonds.
activities: does laundry count? i am doing a lot of that as we speak...

how do i motivate myself to get up off my ass and do something physical??? i know it's the key, but for some reason i keep finding reasons not to do it. why am i so irrational about this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know how interactive you want this weight loss blog to be, so feel free to take or leave my advice :) At first, I didn't want to read this part of your blog because it seemed more private somehow. And now I read it because I am jealous of all the good places you get to eat like Ciao! But anyway, in case you want input from someone else who is currently dieting at the rate of 1/2-1 pound of loss per week...

Remember that losing slowly is the healthy way to lose weight. It is frustrating, but if you stick with it, it will work.

I find eating out to be a huge temptation/sabotage for me, especially in the early stages. I have been much more successful when I cook at home the majority of the time.

As for exercise, my only option for going to the gym would be to go early in the morning. Ain't gonna happen. So I don't bother with the gym. Laundry does count, as does gardening, walking to school, and other daily activity with a purpose. I find myself much more likely to do these things on a regular basis.

Lastly, I love Weight Watchers Online. You can journal your food intake and exercise much the way you are doing here, but it will give you a way to quantify them. There are lots of resources, too, for recipes and stuff. The cost is not too much---about $15-20 per month.

Anyway, that's what has helped me. Good luck! I admire your willpower in the face of prosciutto and fontina!!!

Love, Aimee

9:51 AM  

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