Monday, October 31, 2005

man, i have been busy!

i can't believe it's been a week since i posted on here. there is no way i can remember everything i ate or did since last tuesday. hmmm. let's just say i was good last week up until friday. then friday i went to dinner with alyce, and there was both cream and bacon involved. in fact, there was bacon every day this weekend. all dieting flew to the winds with the arrival of the hippie's college friends for the weekend and my attendance to a children's holiday party. i wasn't as bad as i could have been, but i was definitely not good either. and to tell you the truth--it wasnt' really worth it. some of it was good--mostly the stuff i made myself. but for the most part, i think my body has decided that milk fat is the devil, and that it's a lot happier if i am eating lighter, healthier food. this ia good thing to realize, really. i think it will take me all week to recover from this weekend! well, and today is not much better, since i haven't really prepared. the hippie is in boston with the sam today, so i am just writing today off. i will start keeping track again tomorrow. climbing back on the wagon this time, however, is something i am looking forward to. i am calling that mental progress.

by the way, all that said--the shrimp and grits i made for breakfast yesterday were fabulous! i just don't want anymore chocolate pudding for at least a year. and those oatmeal cream pies? those are nasty now. ew.


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