Saturday, October 15, 2005

friday the 14th

i keep forgetting to eat my snacks. i have had this vague headache all week, and i am starting to wonder if maybe i am letting my blood sugar fall too low or something. hmmmm. perhaps i need to pay a little better attention to that. anyway--here's yesterday's food log:
  • breakfast: two eggs scrambled with chopped green chiles and LF cheddar cheese, two pieces of canadian bacon, 3 oz. LS V8, and a cup of tea. and then another cup of tea--my shit was DRAGGIN'!.
  • lunch: leftover chicken and 3-bean soup and a small heirloom tomato salad
  • dinner: turkey chili with guacamole and LF cheddar cheese while having an alias-fest over at jason and maggie's house
  • snacks/other: like i said--forgot these. i did eat some almonds while driving home from work b/c i was actually feeling a little light-headed from my raging headache
  • desserts/sweets: nope, although LORD i wanted some ice cream yesterday!
all in all--i am doing ok. i haven't been weighing, but i can tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting, which is more encouraging than the numbers on the scale to me anyway. if i can just hold out till the 28th, then i get to switch to phase two.


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