Friday, October 21, 2005

thursday's half-assery

yesterday was ok for the most part, with the exception of a small cheat. the hippie totally violated protocol and went out before his game night for wings and beer, so i figure my tiny cheat is nothing in comparison. i had a date mamoul, which is this small, date-filled lebanese cookie. i had a cup of tea after dinner last night with my cheater's cookie, and i swear, it felt like the height of decadence.

food log for 10/20:
  • breakfast: 1 poached egg with black beans and pico de gallo, LS V8, and a cup of tea
  • lunch: leftover fauxitas and black beans with guacamole and pico de gallo--all the people in the kitchen at my office nuking their lean cuisines were quite jealous!
  • dinner: from neonomde, an artichoke stuffed with shredded beef and tomatoes, broccoli sauteed with red peppers in olive oil and lemon, and stewed cabbage and onions
  • snacks/other: still cna't seen to remember these
  • desserts/sweets: the aforementioned date mamoul
activities: not so much--i was feeling really run down last night for some reason--i spent an evening on the couch with my knitting.


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