Tuesday, October 18, 2005

eating out on monday

today we shall call Not Prepared Day. this means we ate out for both lunch and dinner. however, it does NOT mean we were very bad--it means we ate greek and mediterranean food--it's amazing how healthy you can eat when you go to those types of places. i had every intention of cooking dinner, but by the time i finished work, got to the grocery store and got home, it was already 8:40pm. just too late! so we went out. anyway, without further ado, here's the food log:
  • breakfast: two eggs scrambled with LF cheddar cheese and cracked black pepper and a cup of tea
  • lunch: went to taverna nikos in durham with the hippie. had a chicken souvlaki w/o the pita and split some sauteed greens with the hippie.
  • dinner: went to neomonde (LATE!) and had some chicken stewed with tomatoes and lemon, some okra and eggplant, some cabbage and onion with spicy peppers and bulgar wheat (the only cheat here), and some fatoush--YUM
  • snacks/other: totally forgot my snacks again
  • desserts/sweets: none of these of course
activities: not so much. i can still barely walk from all the squatting on sunday!!!


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