Wednesday, August 16, 2006

being south beach-ish

so my friend is getting married in a few weeks and i am in her wedding. my dress fits, but i know it would look better if i shed a few pounds before the wedding. and you know--it's amazing what motivation it is knowing you have to stand up in front of a bunch of people! or worse, that you have to SIT DOWN in front of them. in satin. what's more, the bride is having the same problem i am. so yesterday i was talking to her about the glories of phase one of south beach, which, while it is hard and sucks, totally works! and then as i was talking to her, i thought--why don't i do this again myself? so i am. sort of. it's not really possible for me to jump into it full bore because we are traveling on the weekends. but it IS possible for me to do it during the week. and at this point i have done it enough that it's not even that hard for me. last night i went to whole foods and stocked up on green produce, beans, lean meats, and salad greens. i made some fabulous tilapia for dinner with some sauteed asparagus and shitaki mushrooms and an fresh heirloom tomato and basil salad. it was delicious! i also went ahead and prepared some marinades for london broil (for sinner tonight) and two kinds of chicken (for salads tomorrow and friday). i have healthy snacks on hand, am avoiding sugar and all non-veggie carbs (for now). i made a healthy breakfast this morning. i admit i still have sugar in my tea in the morning--it's the one thing i can't seem to give up. tonight, i might made some unsweetened iced tea and try that instead. but yeah--i feel good about it. good about making a conscious effort. and this weekend, i can eat healthy, even if i am not as strict as the edicts of phase one. it's funny to me that sometimes i feel so overwhelmed, and sometimes i am just so matter-of-fact about this stuff--i guess it's just mindset. now, if i can get my mindset to go to the gym, that will REALLY be something!!! :)


Blogger Meredith said...

Good luck with the SB! It really does work. I lost about 40 lbs on it the time I was really conscientious about it. I really should get back to it again.

5:04 PM  

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